Shaklee is a pioneer and the leading natural nutritional company in the U.S. The company produces and distributes nutritional supplements, personal care, weight management, and household products. Shaklee products are directly sold worldwide through Independent Distributors using the networking marketing system.
Dr. Forrest Shaklee, a professional chiropractor and nutritionist, founded Shaklee Corporation together with his two sons, Forrest, Jr. and Raleigh in 1956. Dr. Shaklee is noted to be one of the first scientists in history to develop a multivitamin called “Vitalized Minerals.” When most companies were developing synthetic nutritional products, Shaklee was a pioneer of natural and biodegradable products. Dr. Shaklee sought the most natural ingredients for the vitamins and developed one of the first biodegradable household cleaners. In 1989, Shaklee was acquired by Japanese Drug Company Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical, buying out brothers Forrest, Jr. and Raleigh in the process. In April 2004 Yamanouchi sold the company to Activated Holdings, LLC and billionaire Roger Barnett became Chairman and CEO.
There are three ways to join Shaklee. You can start by becoming a Member or Customer with an investment of $19.95 and enjoy getting products at a discount. The second option is to become a Distributor with an investment of $39.95 and get the basic business tools to start your own Shaklee business. If you are serious in developing a Shaklee business and wish to fast track your success, there’s a third option and this is to enroll as a Gold Ambassador. To become a Gold Ambassador, one must invest by purchasing the Gold Mission Pak at $299 or the Super Gold Mission Pak at $750. This “business-in-a-box” includes everything you need to start and operate a global business.
This package includes the application fee, 15% discount on all future product purchases, a free product coupon, a variety of exceptional products, three months of your own personal website, marketing and training materials, and the rights to do business internationally where Shaklee does business. By following the Shaklee business model consistently, a distributor can earn up to $100,000 in 15 months.
For more information about Shaklee, their products, and how to become a Distributor, visit Shaklee’s website: Shaklee